Improve Your Social Skills is a comprehensive guide to social skills.
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My name is Daniel Wendler, and I'm the author of
I made this site to help share what I've learned during a lifetime of studying social skills. Growing up, I was the most socially awkward kid you could ever hope to meet. I was bullied, rejected, and lonely.
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So I had to study social skills deliberately, like you would a foreign language. I would buy stacks of books on conversation, body language, etiquette -- you name it! I asked my parents lots of questions, and practiced for hours.
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In 2013, I gave a speech at TEDxUniversityofArizona about my life with Asperger's. I talked about how I'd taught myself social skills, and what I'd learned about the power of relationships. It's been viewed over 140,000 times.
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So I wrote the Improve Your Social Skills guide -- the guide you're about to read. Everything in the guide comes from principles that I've applied in my own life. These are the exact techniques that I've used for mastering conversation, understanding body language, and making friends.
People have visited Improve Your Social Skills over a million times, and I've received hundreds of emails from readers who have found my guide invaluable in their social skills journey.
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Ready to get started?
[/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px" style="font-size:large"]Here's what you need to know.
- About half of my content is available for free, while half requires you to pay $5 for access.
- If you can't afford even $5, email me and offer to do a good deed and I'll let you in for free. If you can afford more than $5, I would love it if you helped support the site.
- There's two ways to pay for the premium content. You can get a membership on my site, or you can buy the book through Amazon Kindle. Either gets you the same content.
With that in mind, what best describes you?
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