Anyone can learn social skills
Improve Your Social Skills is here to help.
Improve Your Social Skills is a comprehensive online guide to social skills. It explains topics like conversation and body language in practical, easy-to-apply lessons.
I wrote it because believe that everyone deserves a place to belong. Everyone deserves a community of good friends. But many people struggle to connect with others because of poor social skills.
Maybe you're one of those people. Maybe it feels like you've been struggling a long time.
You don't have to struggle any more.
Social skills are like any other skill. If you study and practice, you'll get better. You don't need to be born with natural charisma, and it's never too late to learn.
How can I be so sure? Well, I know a thing or two about overcoming social awkwardness.
My Story

Growing up, I was the most socially awkward kid you could ever hope to meet. I was bullied, rejected, and lonely. I thought there was something fundamentally wrong with me, and feared nobody would ever accept me.
Eventually, I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. I learned that my social struggles weren't the result of some terrible flaw in my person. Instead, they were the result of Asperger's keeping me from learning social skills naturally.
So I decided to learn social skills deliberately, like a foreign language. I devoured stacks of books. I practiced extensively. And I got better -- a lot better.
The bottom line?
When I say this stuff works, I'm not joking.
Improve Your Social Skills explains the exact social skills principles that I used to achieve my own social success. There's no fluff, no untested theories -- just concrete, practical advice that has worked for me and hundreds of thousands of readers.
But you don't have to take my word for it. You can check out my TEDx talk (which has been viewed by over 150,000 people) where I explain in detail how my life has been transformed. You can also check out some of the endorsements that I've received:
Not only is Dan fun and laid-back, he is also really logical and linear in his teachings. He’s great at taking social skills and breaking them down into understandable
Daniel Wendler is an authority in the field of how to achieve social
This guide encourages me to be my best self and make fruitful and lasting friendships with others to help them be their best selves, too... This guide is unlike any other, and I can't recommend it user review
Of course, you can just read my guide yourself and find out what I'm talking about 🙂
The Guide
Improve Your Social Skills covers a ton of material. It has 50+ lessons, covering everything from conversation to empathy to making friends.
The guide is split into two sections -- basic and advanced. The basic guide covers the fundamentals of social interaction, like conversation and body language. It's 100% free, so you can jump right in.
The advanced guide covers topics like group conversation, making friends, and dating. You need to pay $5 to access the advanced guide, although if you can't afford it you can get in free if you agree to do a good deed. You can also grab the full guide (basic and advanced combined) on Kindle or Audible.
I encourage you to start the beginning and work through in order but, of course, you're welcome to jump around if you like. Ready? Let's go.
Basic Guide
Advanced Guide
(Requires $5 Membership)